Chapter 8 Importing Data
This unit spans Mon Mar 23 through Sat Mar 28.
At 11:59 PM on Sat Mar 28 the following items are due:
- DC 15 - Importing Data in R: Importing from flat files with utils
- DC 16 - Importing Data in R: readr & data.table
- DC 17 - Importing Data in R: Importing Excel data
For the majority of this class, we’ll be working with CSV files. Your DataCamp exercises introduce a few other file import methods that are always good to know. There are lots of different packages that deal with importing data. For text files, we will primarily be following the same process over and over with slightly different variants (i.e., this might get a little boring). We’ll be using the readr
and readxl
packages in this unit.
8.1 Media
- Podcast: Spreadsheets in Data Science (with Jenny Bryan), DataFramed(59:21)
8.2 Delimited text files
Delimited text files are a standard way to transfer data from one system to another. They share a few common characteristics.
- They are text files.
- They may or may not have a “header” representing column names.
- Each line typically represents a record.
- They have delimiters.
Delimiters are characters that are used to separate or delimit each field in a line. Tabs and semicolons are common delimiters, but the most common is the comma. Comma-delimited text files are also called CSV files (comma-separated values).
When reading in any files, you should know the answers to the following questions:
- what is the file format? (e.g., delimited text, Excel)
- does the first line represent a header?
- do I want character data to be converted to factors on import? (usually, the answer is no)
8.2.1 read.csv and read_csv
There isn’t much to CSV files. Below is the first few lines of the got.csv data we used in a prior unit.
Snow,John,Nordic Studies,Junior,3.23
We have already been using read.csv
. It is part of the utils
package that comes with R and is always loaded when you launch R (the other default packages are base
, graphics
and stats
). We never specify any of these packages using library
because they are always in our R session. So far, we have been using read.csv
to read files that are stored on a website and wrapping the file names with url()
. We can also copy text files to our working directory or a folder in our working directory. In this example, I downloaded the got.csv file to a folder called data
in my working directory. Notice I’m no longer using url()
because I’m reading in the file from my hard drive.
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
I read in the file without converting the character data to factors. From the tidyverse package readr
, I can also use read_csv to read in the CSV file as well. Not converting to factors is the default behavior.
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
European delimited files sometimes use the semicolon ;
as a delimiter. In that case, we can use read.csv2
or read_csv2
in the same manner.
8.2.2 other delimiters
Tabs are also common delimiters. Looking at the first few lines of got_tab.txt
lastname firstname major year gpa
Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
We can use utils::read.delim
or readr::read_tsv
to read in a tab-delimited file in pretty much the same manner as read.csv
and read_csv
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
For other delimiters, we would use read.table
or read_delim
. What is the delimiter in the following file?
Snow|John|Nordic Studies|Junior|3.23
The |
is called a pipe and is being used as a delimiter in this case. The process is pretty straightforward for both versions using the file got_pipe.txt.
got <- read.table("./data/got_pipe.txt", header = TRUE,
sep = "|", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
Older, mainframe data, sometimes comes in fixed-width files. For example, below is the first few lines of got.prn which is a fixed-width file. Note: fixed width files usually don’t have headers so I’ll need to create column names. If you are lucky, they come with a definition file that tells you the column widths. Often you won’t have this file and will have to count spaces manually.
Snow John Nordic StudiesJunior 3.23
Lannister Tyrion CommunicationsSophomore 3.83
Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
For this file, we can use read.fwf
or read_fwf
got <- read.fwf("./data/got.prn", widths = c(10,10,14,16,4),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(got) <- c("lastname", "firstname", "major", "year", "gpa")
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
got <- read_fwf("./data/got.prn", fwf_widths(c(10,10,14,16,4),
col_names = c("lastname", "firstname", "major", "year", "gpa")))
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
Notice that in the readr
version, the parameter syntax is slightly different and I can set column names inline in the read_fwf
statement. I still often use the utils
versions out of habit.
8.3 Excel data
Generally speaking, Excel data can be a pain to work with in R. If you haven’t already done so, please listen to the podcast assigned for this unit as it does a great job discussing spreadsheets in the analytics process.
Reading Excel data in R, provided it is formatted similarly to the CSV files we worked with is relatively straightforward. I have an Excel workbook got.xlsx that has two worksheets. “got,” which represents the data we’ve been working with and “iron_throne,” which contains the characters from the “got” data set that have sat on the Iron Throne. By default, readxl
’s read_excel
function will read in the first worksheet in a workbook.
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Snow John Nordic Studies Junior 3.23
## 2 Lannister Tyrion Communications Sophomore 3.83
## 3 Targaryen Daenerys Zoology Freshman 3.36
## 4 Bolton Ramsay Phys Ed Freshman 2.24
## 5 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 6 Clegane Gregor Phys Ed Sophomore 3.23
If we want to read in the second worksheet, we could either specify sheet = 2
or use the worksheet name as shown below.
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## lastname firstname major year gpa
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Stark Eddard History Senior 2.78
## 2 Baratheon Joffrey History Freshman 1.87
8.4 DataCamp Exercises
We aren’t going to be working with too many messy Excel files in this course, but the DataCamp exercises go into some more specifics with the parameters in all of the read files functions. Skipping lines and identifying spreadsheet ranges to read is very helpful when you are dealing with larger, messy files.